Thursday 19 May 2016


W.A.L.T Explain what I have learnt about fractions for this week by using a digital object.


  1. Hi Leo, I really liked how you carefully explained your learning, next time maybe you can add a more eye catching title and a ending,
    but over all very good!!


  2. Hi Leo, I really liked how you carefully explained your learning, next time maybe you can add a more eye catching title and a ending,
    but over all very good!!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Leo i like the way you explained about the chocolate factory and that you said I walked and found a dollar and that you said you wanted to spend it on another chocolate. I like how you said you found a golden ticket in it .Next time i think you should say how much hours or minutes it took to get to the factory. It’s a great story though.

  5. Hey Leo. I like how you worked out the work that you have been doing in maths in your class.Maybe you need some punctuation, in the third slide.


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