Wednesday 25 May 2016


Does music help you learn or distract you?

In my opinion I believe that we shouldn’t listen to music while working. Listening to music will distract you from your learning. You will get carried away with the music and won't achieve the national standards or get any progress done.

I highly recommend you keep the learning environment as it is because we are all concentrating,working and trying our hardest. The music will just keep on distracting you and your progress. Do you want your progress to stop or even go down?

Secondly I believe that music will distract you and your learning.Your parents send you to school to learn and not to be distracted by music.
Also the children might go home and distract the parents when they just came back from work by playing the music really loud.

I advise you to keep the learning environment as it is. If the children listen to inappropriate music the teachers/parents won’t be happy. Also you might get carried away and start humming/singing it through class.

I highly recommend that we shouldn’t listen to music during class. It might make you fall behind because we are focused on reaching or achieving the national standards



  1. Leo,I like the way that your writing is full of descriptive information about how good the learning environment is at the moment.Was is hard thinking of all these good ideas?I like your sentence starters as well eg. 'I highly recommend' and 'I advise you'.

  2. i like how you describe your story into paragraphs Leo


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