Friday 8 July 2016

My Mihi Animation


  1. i would like to see this but i need permishen from you

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great work, it looks like you have worked really hard on this. This s reminds me of when we went to the skate park. Im wondering if Im the Jordan you were talking about?

  4. Olá, Leo
    I liked this because you spoke fluently and the animation was great and my favorite slide was the pool one. What's your favorite animal ? Mine is horses
    PS: I am in senior explorers and I'm learning a language and mine is portuguese

  5. hi my name is William and i liked your mihi because u had spoke nice and fluently bey william

  6. hi i'm Patrick from blaketown school i really like how you spoke very good and i also liked the Animation you have done

  7. Hi Leo it is Cameron and i think that this animation must have took u a very long time to make the animation.

    Thanks Cameron at Grey Main School T1

  8. Hi Leo I really liked your how you animated you background and how you used a loud clear voice good job keep up the good work


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