Thursday 9 June 2016

Blooms activities

Evaluation 6 points: is the title good? Or could it be better.

Title:Dirty Dishes

yes it is a good title because it explains what might happen in the story

Knowledge when was the story set provide evidence from the book

Leo’s opinion: I think it was set out in the evening because it was reasonably dark and the dishes wern't done so he had to do it.


  1. Hi Leo,I like the way you set out your work because all of the work is cramped up so well done.Next time could you give me an example of the title explaining what might happen in the story.

  2. Hi Leo,I like the way you set out your work because it's not cramped up in one little spot.
    For a next you could put in some colour or something :)
    From Shannon


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Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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